Busy Bus
An app to help users know when their bus is arriving


I was the UX/UI designer and front-end developer for the creation of Busy Bus, an app that allows users to see when their bus is arriving at the bus stop.


UX/UI Designer
Frontend Developer


High Fidelity Mockups


Google Forms


I was brought on to determine the features that users wanted in a simple transportation app. People were wasting time at the bus stop because they did not know when their bus was going to arrive.


The solution is an app that tells users what time their bus is going to arrive at a specific bus stop. The app also tells users the frequency so they can plan ahead.

User Research

76% of participants waste time waiting at the bus stop

67% of participants said they would use busses more with the app

Through my survey it became clear that real users were sitting at the bus stop longer than necessary because they didn't know when their bus was going arrive.

Competitive Analysis

My analysis of market competetors Moovit and DC Metro showed that Busy Bus could be a niche app for the local market. It would not have all the travel features of Moovit but would be more user friendly than DC Metro. Moovit is an all around travel app that is user operated and includes other forms of transportation like Uber. DC Metro's app is operated by their local transit company.

User Stories and Flows

I created user stories for Busy Bus to help determine the MVP. The high priority user stories included searching for a busses timing and seeing all the busses for my stop.

See all User Stories

User Testing

With the wireframe prototype, I had three in-person usability tests. Each user had two tasks that they needed to complete.

Task 1: Determine what time a certain bus would arrive
Task 2: Determine the frequency of a certain bus

The participants were able to complete each of the tasks successfully.

Final Product



Overall, I think the project was a success. It was a shorter project because it was only a one page design and prototype.

This was my first project where I completed all of the HTML and CSS. One thing I struggled with was lining items up, but once I began working with display inline block and width I was more successful.

If I had more time I would have liked to fully develop the product with a home page and more information on the busses.