Hi, I'm
Danielle Rinke!
Here is a little more information about me!

About Me

Time to get creative? Count me in! I have always had a love for creating, I was 15 years old when I set up my own Etsy shop to sell my paintings. I love painting landscapes and animals, and making my own cards and art projects. I really enjoy sharing my creative side with others!

I entered college with the same struggle all students have: what to major in? ​Everyone told me I was really good with numbers, so off I went to pursue an Accounting Degree. Sensible right? I like accounting and was good at it. I obtained an Accounting degree and had great offers from all of the Big 4 Accounting Firms. So why the dilemma? I knew I was moving away from my creative side but I didn't realize just how much I would miss it. I wanted to use those skills but still use my creativity and love for people.

I started looking for the perfect mix of creativity and analytical skills for my career. I remembered the Web Development and Graphic Design classes I took in high school. I looked forward to those classes every day! That's when I realized being a UX/UI Designer was the perfect mix of analytics and creativity for me.

I started learning with Bloc and looked forward to working on my projects every day. I was working twelve hour days without even realizing it. This was when I really realized I had finally found my dream career. It was something I could look forward to and enjoy doing every day.

I have always been a go-to person for creating brochures, signs, and presentations for friends and family. Now that I have an education in design I have created professional level projects that showcase my skills in design. I am looking forward to creating more projects, learning more skills and making a difference in people’s lives with my work.